I'm a marketing snob. I'm going to come right out and say it. As a creative person and someone with a background in business, I have always gotten excited about good marketing- and aim to demonstrate it wherever I work.
And even though everything about the legal industry seems pretty traditional and bland, I've never been one to accept mediocrity. So from the time I first came to my office, it's been a complete 180 degree shift in brand identity and marketing.
There's no better time to showcase your brand than during the holidays. With the market completely saturated with dull ads, it's the perfect time to show your brand's creativity and thoughtfulness. So that's just what I do.
Let's face it: generic holiday cards just don't get the job done.
If your goal is to engage with your clients or customers while sending them good wishes for their holidays, nothing says "I really care about you" like a generic season's greetings card. (Sarcasm). Sometimes, you'd be better off sending nothing.
So, I've put together a few of my very favorite company Christmas cards to get you inspired to play with shapes, colors, and use this as a unique opportunity to outshine your competition. Starting with my own design from last year's card: