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  • Writer's pictureMonica Montanari

Floral Boho Baby Shower

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

Preface: I started this post over a year ago. It only took my over a year to finally get it all together. I'll try to do it faster for the rest, but finally, here it is.

What a weird time in my life. Two of my very best friends, one from high school and one from college, got pregnant at the same time- at one point they were even due one day apart. One of my friends kept it quiet for a little longer, but she also lives up north, which would've made planning a shower a little more difficult. My friend from college, Christina- however- had me in the loop from day 1, and whether she asked for my help in putting on her baby shower or not, she got it (haha!). But I think it worked out in her favor- hopefully she'd agree (I think she would).

After going through just about every possible theme for a baby shower (you have to decide by process of elimination) Christina decided on a pink, floral, bohemian-esque shower. Chic and simple were the goals, with sweet and sophisticated touches everywhere. I think it turned out pretty adorable- how about you?!


Love "Wreath"

No Pinterest-worthy baby shower would be complete without this weird hoop/wreath thing that you see everywhere. In actuality, that's exactly what I did- took a hula hoop and wrapped it in white athletic tape before arranging flowers around it and lastly adding an adorable balloon. I was low-key impressed with the turnout! It was the perfect adaptation of everything that inspired me, mixed with our specific colors and details.

The inspiration:

The real deal:


Gift Tepee

Bohemian events must include a tepee. It's practically written in the Pinterest Bible. But let me tell you, for as many quick and simple tutorials there are, that sh*t was DIFFICULT. For weeks I invested countless hours into engineering the perfect construction, fabric, and flora and fauna. I decided on the same flowers we were using throughout the centerpieces and other decorative accents, and found a perfect plastic leaf piece. Finally, I get to La Verne on the day we're going to assemble the tepee, look at the prices of wooden dowels, and go "no." Luckily, PVC pipe is a thing, and it's way cheaper. Also, it didn't make a ton of sense to make such a temporary fixture out of some pretty durable materials- who needs that? So... I abandoned all of my plans, picked up some PVC, and used paint-thinner to attempt to wipe off the markings (which actually works pretty well). Literally one ball of twine later, after making like five people hold the pipes where I wanted them, I was able to create some kind of knotted twine mess that held it all in place pretty securely. Poking holes in the PVC with a drill was some of our prep, and I don't know if it helped or not- if you're going to make one of these, try it the easy way first. Now, with a decent frame, it was time to drape our fabric. Well guess what- not happening. So, what genius methods did we employ, you ask? We took a $5 bed canopy and draped it around- viola. It served it's purpose.

The inspiration:

The real deal:


Rice Krispies

These were their own project in and of itself. Dyeing white chocolate, utilizing some baking skills, and adding just a dash of luxurious pearl sprinkles made these amazing and edible (one of my friends has the best rice krispie recipe you'll ever taste in your life). Also, found out that watching dogs eat fresh rice krispie treats is both adorable and extremely messy.

The inspiration:

The real deal:


Paper Flowers

Okay- so this one is dumb. I surprised the heck out of myself by being able to make these. But after a few, I realized the time it took to create them was going to outweigh any benefit they gave the shower, and I'd need at least 7 of them to do anything with. But I already had made like three. So why didn't I incorporate them into the shower? Great question. But here they are anyway, because FML.

The inspiration:

The real deal:



Having a fall baby shower meant that incorporating some sort of pumpkin-thing would be cool, so that's just what we did. After buying a bag of fake pumpkins from Marshall's for, like, nothing, I brought those babies home, spray painted them white, and dropped gorgeous iridescent glitter on top.

The inspiration:

The real deal:



I wanted programs to be available to all of the guests, and had these adorable pamphlets with games made up and ready to be printed. I spent hours on them. So obviously, I forgot to print them off and all that work went down the toilet. But, c'est la vie. The table still

The inspiration:

The real deal:


Dessert Table

Every single person who knows me knows that I have a major sweet tooth; I am a fiend for desserts. So obviously, any event I put on needs to cater to the inner child in me (and all the children attending). To make things easy on myself (just kidding, I'm an idiot) I decided to take on the task of baking the pink macarons, chocolate-dipped strawberries, and rice krispie treats (which I detailed above). Pink lollipops and chocolate kisses filled the two decorative containers in the back.

The inspiration:

The real deal:


Would I have changed anything? Tablecloths. I would've hunted down tablecloths that reach the ground- also, I would've prepared better for the wind. I also would've taken more photos from different, artsy angles so you could see just how cute everything truly was. But other than that, I think it was an adorable event and an awesome representation of all that Christina means to me.

Want step-by-step instructions on how I made it happen? Leave a comment or shoot me an email and I'll write up an entire post on whichever part you're interested in recreating.

Credit for the inspiration photos goes to whoever made them originally. Credit for the rest goes to yours truly (with the help of about 3 or 4 of my sweetest friends from time to time). Happy crafting!


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