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Aug 31, 202210 min read
Creating a Sophisticated Peter Pan Office
Okay, so, if you're anything like me, you've been obsessed with Disney's classic animated films since your childhood, and seek to bring...

Jun 16, 20225 min read
A DIY Dream Craft Corner
I did this all literally two years ago and didn't post it. Here. I'm sorry. LOL! I think that any creative person can agree- often, we...

Jun 2, 20207 min read
5 Reasons Why He Doesn't Care About Your Breakup
So why is it so damn easy for him to move on? Is it because he never loved you in the first place? Is he really over it? Three weeks later,

Jul 15, 20195 min read
Catholic 101
Okay, first of all, my patience was MAJORLY tested while writing this post. I had one, beautiful, almost complete post done that took me...

Dec 7, 20183 min read
Perspectives on Exes
Everybody who knows me knows that I'm not the biggest fan of women. From my upbringing I just decided that I couldn't trust them and that...

Dec 4, 20187 min read
Dear Haters: My Dog Is Not A "Fake Service Dog"
Today, I stumbled upon a recent article calling out people with "fake" service animals, and immediately I took offense. Because according...
Sep 29, 20183 min read
The "Un-Bucket" List
Sometimes I'll be searching Pinterest looking for things to inspire me, and see things I've already gotten to do. When I think about it,...
May 31, 20186 min read
My Foolproof Guide to the Dating Game
Asking for dating advice doesn't make you pathetic- let's start with that. These days, dating is easily the most complicated part of life...

Feb 22, 20183 min read
My Completely Unsolicited Opinion on The Semi-Colon Trend
Let's have a grammar lesson here. Because clearly our entire generation (and those before us) have no idea what this punctuation mark is...

Oct 12, 20173 min read
My Worst Nightmare
It's night. I'm submerged in deep, black water. My arms and legs weigh me down, exhausted from treading the tide endlessly. It seems like...
Sep 18, 20175 min read
How To Re-Evaluate Your Life As a 20-Something
It's a big decade full of a lot of changes. In your 20's it's likely that you'll graduate, get married, buy a house, have a kid, buy a...

Aug 5, 20171 min read
The #1 Product I Simply Cannot Live Without
Let me start off by saying that this is not a paid post. Everything I'm about to say is my unsolicited information/opinion. BUT, I just...

May 27, 20179 min read
One Of My Friends Has (Or Sounds Like They Might) Hurt Themselves... What Do I Do?
If you need immediate answers, please scroll down to the numbered list. If you're reading this for future reference, let's set you up...

May 9, 20171 min read
Simple Recipes (For When Your Entire Life Is In Boxes)
Recently I got to post on another blog that I do the marketing for- in an area I specialize in: cooking with ZERO effort and minimal...

May 3, 20174 min read
Let's Be Real (But, Like, Actually)
I feel like we're entering a nightmare. It's everywhere you turn: some new mom posts a picture of the one second her screaming, demonic...

Oct 18, 20153 min read
Ladies & Gentlemen, Start Your Engines
Guys. I think I just had THE most redneck experience of all time. So get this- my best friend here works with Talladega Super Speedway’s...

Oct 6, 20154 min read
Not Your Mother's Feminism
I just had this startling realization today. In fact, just moments ago. I realized that I, a liberal young woman, have claimed to hate...

Jul 13, 20152 min read
The Civil Rights Drive
So, no visit to Alabama is complete without investigating the cites that were so important to the Civil Rights Movement- Selma and...

Jul 2, 20152 min read
The Uniform of Alabama
Alright, this is just my West Coast ignorance- but I thought that in the South, girls would always be wearing jeans (or Daisy Dukes if it...

Jun 24, 20151 min read
Southern Specific Drinks
So far in Tuscaloosa, I've had some amazing new drinks that are Bama favorites. Here, I want to share a few recipes and stories with...
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